All Theories Revised
Media Ownership/Regulation
Media ownership/regulation theory is a theory which suggests that media are being regulated
Cross Media Convergence
New Media
Agenda Setting
US Law: Section 230
Technological Convergence
Hegemonic Groups
Moral Panic
Post Modernism
Post modernism theory is a theory which was created by Jean Baudrillard. In short, post modernism is an act that rejects modernism. Baudrillard, the theorist of post modernism, suggests that in this post modern era, everything is a copy of a copy. He splits media into two types which are hyper reality and hytened reality. Baudrillard also suggests that consumers prefer hyper reality compared to reality.
A case study for post modernism is in the Disney Hotstar series She Hulk
Post Colonialism
Post colonialism
Postmodern Exam Answer
One of the media text which I think is essentially post modern is the concept of reality which are hyper reality and hytened reality. Hyper reality is when a media text is completely fake and scripted but trying to make it look real while hytened reality is reality captured and being represented to create a meaning. A case study which supports this is from the series What We Do In The Shadows as this series is about vampires and haunted houses. This is an example of hyper reality as the series shows simulacra, a representation of reality which never or no longer exist, of haunted houses and vampires. Though it is a hyper reality and it is completely fake, audiences still watch it because audience prefer hyper and hytened reality over their own reality as suggested by Jean Baudrillard, the theorist of post modernism.
Postcolonial Exam Answer
Most of the media industry are run by the hegemonic people, which are white straight men, this means that they condition the way audience think by giving representation based on how they see things. An example of a meaning that is given by the media by using representation is white supremacy. This means that the media is run Eurocentrically by representing the Europeans as superior, royal, and civilized while representing "the others" as exotic, weak, and different. A case study which supports this is from the documentary The Crown. This documentary represent the royal family as civilized, friendly, and generous. The post colonialism theory by Paul Gilroy supports this by suggesting that the media is very Eurocentric where they would represent white people as more superior than the colonized where they identify them as "the other".
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